BLAH! I want with all my heart to be able to take some great shots of my children.
Here are a few of my PopRockPrincess!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
blogged by the amazing Brandi at 8:26 PM 4 You Love Me
Friday, November 28, 2008
just maybe
you might get a sneak peek of the new carpet upstairs tonight. The man and his brother are up in the loft cutting our doors because his wifee got really thick antimicrobial padding!
we had a wonderful Thanksgiving and were planning to put up the tree and decorate tonight but I think that may be done Sunday after Church!
I still have a TON (seems like so much more) of things to get organized!
blogged by the amazing Brandi at 7:09 PM 1 You Love Me
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
my miracle
I am so very thankful for both of my miracles...
but if you know Miley's story, and you have held her...
you have held a true MIRACLE!
blogged by the amazing Brandi at 4:56 PM 0 You Love Me
Monday, November 24, 2008
I am so thankful for my daughters giving heart.
she might be giving us a run for our money with the move, new school and different surroundings but she never ever thinks of herself first.
coloring a Thanksgiving card for her teacher.
blogged by the amazing Brandi at 1:09 PM 0 You Love Me
Friday, November 21, 2008
Friday Fill In's / Fav Foto Friday

1. The last band I saw live was Casting Crowns.
2. What I look forward to most on Thanksgiving is being with family. (if you don't celebrate thanksgiving, insert your favorite holiday)
3. My Christmas/holiday shopping is about to get started the day after Thanksgiving.
4. Thoughts of sex fill my head.
5. I wish I could wear clothes and look good in them.
6. Bagpipes are way cool!.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to coming home to nice warm house after working a VERY cold football game for $25, tomorrow my plans include going to and OSU party and working on the house later that night and Sunday, I want to rejoice in what the Lord has made!
blogged by the amazing Brandi at 10:42 AM 1 You Love Me
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Wednesday Blessing
today I pick Lisa Noel.
She is so much like me, in so many ways.
I can only pray one day I take half the amazing pictures as she does.
She has three handsome little men and a big guy.
She has a great sense of humor.
She has not been giving an easy life but keeps plugging along.
The thing most special about Lisa is we believe and serve the same God.
She has such a love for our Lord and loves serving him everyday.
Lisa volunteers in her church and loves giving back.
Have a BLESSES Day Lisa!
blogged by the amazing Brandi at 10:50 AM 3 You Love Me
i'm back
did you miss me?
blogged by the amazing Brandi at 10:41 AM 0 You Love Me
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
as I begin to type this EXCITING post, my almost 10 month old pulls my Nikon off on the desk! Lovely!
Just in time for Christmas Pictures!
2 x lightstand able to extend to 7 feet
2 x Perfect daylight
105watts bulb 6400K = 800 Watts
1 x Background Light Stands
1 x 35watt Background light 6400k
2 x 32" translucent umbrella
3 x AC Swivel adapter / umbrella holder
2 x Backdrop Support Stands up to 8.5 ft
4 x Section cross bar up to 10ft wide
One 6' x 9' Black Muslin Backdrop
One 6' x 9' White Muslin Backdrop
1 x Carrying case for backdrop stand
blogged by the amazing Brandi at 1:13 PM 2 You Love Me
Thursday, November 13, 2008
one tiny piece of brownie, one BIG mess!
Hannah was enjoying a brownie when she decide the quarter sized piece she had left was too much for her to finish.
blogged by the amazing Brandi at 10:48 AM 0 You Love Me
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Bless A Woman Wednesday
so...each Wednesday I am going to pick someone who follows my blog to bless by words.
Play Along!
Today is Kristine.
This chic rocks, in every form of the word.
She is not only amazing, but very beautiful both inside and out.
She has one hot hubby and two beautiful daughters, R & M.
I don't know what has drawn me to this young lady...could be one of a million things.
We both love photography, our girls more than life, have the same taste is dressing our girls and the list goes on and on.
She is an incrediable wife to one awesome hubby.
They remind me of Mark and I in our :::coughyoungercough::: days!
Kris, my are a wonderful gal!
Have a BLESSED Day!
blogged by the amazing Brandi at 10:07 AM 3 You Love Me
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Miss Miles
miss miles is getting her first cold.
she had a flu bug at 4 months.
roseola just last week.
and now this.
I guess I should be feeling pretty blessed,
my kid's are very healthy.
she is extra whinny,
and always wants to nurse...
but this mama doesn't mind.
oh and extra talkitive.
and still so very adorable,
even with a snotty, running nose!
blogged by the amazing Brandi at 6:57 PM 3 You Love Me
Monday, November 10, 2008
No, Not Me!
1. I did not sleep until 9:15 after being up EVERY hour last night, no not me!
2. I did not just eat 5 candy cane oreo's and shared one with Miss Miles, no not me!
3. I did not go to and put 6 things in my shopping bag, no not me!
4. I did not click on Brandi's blog to read this and than again to get to Mckmomma's to add my name, no not me!
5. I do not think about deleting this blog everytime I post because I just don't have the nitch for writing and sounding intelligent and make people want to come read more, no not me.
6. I do not have horrible self esteem, no WAY not me!
7. I do not miss my hubby and Hannah right now (work & school), no not me!
8. I do know what I am cooking for dinner tonight, no not me! (can I do that)
9. I do not have 6 gallons of paint ready to go on my walls but am too lazy to start, no not me!
10. I did not complete my very FIRST "No Not Me"!
blogged by the amazing Brandi at 1:38 PM 5 You Love Me
Sunday, November 9, 2008
mommy and her matching PJ's
someday I will stop!
I have wanted these elephant ones since I saw them.
Picked them up yesterday but could not find them with feet.
Hannah's don't match exactly but the print is close enough.
Are they not just so adorable?!?!?!?!
blogged by the amazing Brandi at 7:56 PM 0 You Love Me
Saturday, November 8, 2008
blogged by the amazing Brandi at 9:31 AM 1 You Love Me